

 Als „VITALIST HEALTH CONSULTATION AND TOURISM TRADE LIMITED COMPANY“ (im Folgenden „Now Hair Time“ oder „Unternehmen“ genannt) verwenden wir Cookies während Ihrer Nutzung oder Ihres Besuchs aller unserer Online- oder Offline-Bereiche, die wir Ihnen anbieten, und/oder oder Ihr Besuch im digitalen Umfeld auf unserer Website. Im Rahmen des Gesetzes zum Schutz personenbezogener Daten Nr. 6698 und in Übereinstimmung mit den anderen Bestimmungen der Gesetzgebung gehen wir als Datenverantwortlicher sorgfältig und sensibel vor. Der Einsatz der oben genannten Technologien erfolgt dabei nach den gesetzlich vorgegebenen Regeln. Als Now Hair Time verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten mit Cookies nur und in begrenztem Umfang zur Verwirklichung klarer und legitimer Zwecke. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass eine Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, die nicht diesen festgelegten Zwecken dient, gegen das Gesetz verstößt, und mit diesem Bewusstsein und dieser Sensibilität achten wir auf eine maßvolle Datenverarbeitung.

Unser Ziel mit diesem „ERKLÄRUNGSTEXT ZUR VERWENDUNG VON COOKIES“ liegt in allen Online- und Offline-Bereichen, die wir Ihnen anbieten; Um die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, die mit Technologien wie Cookies und Pixeln gewonnen werden, in all ihren Dimensionen zu erläutern, um Sie aufzuklären und zu informieren.

In diesem „COOKIES VERWENDEN BELEUCHTUNGSTEXT“; Als „relevante Personen“ werden reale Personen bezeichnet, die den Online-Bereich besuchen und deren personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet werden.

Wir möchten Sie mindestens über die Identitätsinformationen unseres Unternehmens, die Art und Eigenschaften der im Online-Bereich verwendeten Cookies, die Zwecke, für die durch Cookies erhaltene personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet werden, sowie an wen und zu welchem ​​Zweck sie verarbeitet werden Personenbezogene Daten werden vom Unternehmen übermittelt, welche Methode und welcher Rechtsgrund für die Erhebung personenbezogener Daten mithilfe von Cookies gelten, welche Methoden zur Änderung dieser Cookie-Einstellungen gelten und welche Rechte Sie gegen die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten haben.

Unser Unternehmen kann die Verwendung von Cookies auf unserer Website sowie in Online- und Offline-Bereichen ablehnen oder die Arten und/oder Funktionen der von uns verwendeten Cookies ändern und neue Cookies hinzufügen. Daher behalten wir uns das Recht vor, diesen Klarstellungstext zu ändern. Mit der Verarbeitung der Änderungen tritt dieser Cookie-Erklärungstext in Kraft. Im Falle von Änderungen wird das Aktualisierungsdatum am Ende dieses Textes angegeben. Sie können die Änderungen anhand des Aktualisierungsdatums am Ende dieses Textes verfolgen.

1-Was ist ein Cookie?

Dabei handelt es sich um Textdateien, die zumeist aus Buchstaben und Zahlen bestehen und auf den Geräten oder Servern der betreffenden Person abgelegt werden, deren personenbezogene Daten von den Browsern beim Besuch der Online-Domain verarbeitet werden, sodass das Gerät wiedererkannt werden kann.

2-Können die Cookie-Nutzungseinstellungen geändert werden?

Cookie usage preferences can always be changed by the methods described with the subtitle "How to Change Cookie Settings?" of this clarification text. Cookies organize and improve the user experience in the Online Domain, so making changes in cookie usage preferences may cause significant changes when using the Online Domain.

3-What are the types of cookies used?

Session cookies: Session cookies are cookies that are saved on the device visited while visiting the Online Domain and are deleted from the device when the browser is closed..

Persistent cookie: These are the cookies that are saved on the device visited when the Online Domain is visited and placed on the hard disk of the device and stored on the device during the browser's preferences and/or the lifetime of the cookie.

Third-party cookies: The company also uses third-party cookies. Third-party cookies are cookies that allow third-party cookies to be saved on the device visited when the Online Domain is visited. Information on these cookies and changing these cookie settings is included in this Clarification Text.

4-What are the Purposes of Cookies According to Types and Categories?

Types of cookies are: Technical cookies, Analytical cookies (performance) cookies, Targeting (advertising) cookies, Personalization cookies (functional cookies).

Technical Cookies: These are cookies that ensure the correct use of the Online Domain. Thanks to these cookies, functions such as creating an account, logging in, and submitting a form are provided. Non-working fields and pages are detected. These cookies are saved on the device of relevant persons whose personal data are processed while using the Online Area and are deleted from the device when the use is terminated. Technical Cookies; is intended to ensure that the website functions correctly. They do not follow the user, do not collect personal data.

Analytical Cookies / Performance Cookies: These cookies allow to analyze how the Online Domain is used. Collects information on how the Relevant Person uses the Online Area. Information such as the web pages viewed by the user, the time spent on these web pages, how many visitors visit the Online Site, and the sources from which the Online Site is accessed are examples of such information collected. They are used for conducting marketing analysis studies. It is determined how the website is used by the user (visitor) by collecting information such as the device visited, the location, how the website is used, which pages are visited, how long they stay on these pages. According to the inferences made here, personalized advertisements are shown to the visitor (user) and the relevant person whose personal data is processed, and the website is personalized in accordance with the personal behavior here.

Targeting / Advertising Cookies: These are the cookies used to enable the Relevant Person to see behavioral and personalized advertisements based on their interests on third websites and mobile applications. By retargeting with these cookies, the pages visited in the Online Area are displayed on the advertising networks of third websites and mobile applications. It is used for the following purposes: To show the personal data of the products and services offered by the company by making it personal to the person concerned, to provide better products and services by getting to know the Online Area visitors better, by getting to know the Online Area visitors better and making the Online Area more suitable for advertising and promotion activities, to effectively promote and market the company's products and services, to carry out marketing analysis studies.

Personalization Cookies / Functional Cookies: These are the cookies that enable the Relevant Person to adapt the Online Domain user experience to their individual preferences. For example, when using the Online Domain, information such as the language you choose, the username, the region where the Relevant Person is located, is collected to make the Online Domain more functional and useful. It is used for the following purposes: To remember the user and password to facilitate users' access to the Online Domain, to remember the language you use in the Online Domain, the last visited products and so on.

5-What are the General Purposes of Our Company in the Use of Cookies?

- Execution of loyalty processes to the company / product / services

- Execution of communication activities

-Execution/supervision of business activities

- Receiving and evaluating suggestions for improvement of business processes

- Execution of business continuity activities

-Execution of goods / services sales processes

- Execution of customer relationship management processes

- Execution of activities for customer satisfaction

-Executing marketing analysis studies

- Execution of advertisement / campaign / promotion processes

-Executing strategic planning activities

- Execution of marketing processes of products / services

- Creation and follow-up of visitor records.


6- How to Change Cookie Settings?

If you want to change the cookie settings, you can do so by following the links below and changing the browser settings. These settings are usually found in the "options" or "preferences" menu in browsers. You can also access detailed information on the subject by clicking on the "help" menu of the browsers. Removing cookies may cause the Online Domain to not work as desired and not to obtain the required efficiency.


Link to Change Cookie Settings

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox




In addition, to have more detailed information about cookies, you can visit , domain websites and/or use the "Privacy Badger" application (https: // )

7- Our company enlightens the persons related to this Clarification Text about the processing of personal data through cookies and will use cookies by obtaining explicit consent without leaving any room for doubt.

8- Data in the qualification of personal data obtained through cookies may be transferred to third parties for the purposes listed in the table below, provided that necessary precautions are taken.

Receiving Group

Transmission Purpose 

1. Real persons or private law legal entities (Company lawyer, advertising agency, business partners, etc.)

2. Authorized public institutions and organizations (Courts, etc.)

1. Ensuring business continuity

2. Execution of goods / services sales processes

3. Execution of customer relationship management processes

4. Carrying out activities for customer satisfaction

5. Conducting marketing analysis studies

6. Execution of advertising / campaign / promotion processes

7. Execution of strategic planning activities

8. Execution of marketing processes of products / services

9. Execution of storage and archive activities

10. Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations


As a rule, the data processed with cookies can be transferred domestically if there is express consent of the real persons whose personal data are processed. However, Personal data can also be transferred without the explicit consent of the relevant person concerned, if there is a clear regulation in the legislation regarding the transfer of personal data.

Personal data without the explicit consent of the Relevant Person;

- If it is necessary for the protection of the life or bodily integrity of the personal data owner or someone else, and if the personal data owner is unable to express his consent due to actual impossibility or if his consent is not legally valid, it can be transferred to third parties.

- If it is necessary to transfer personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract, personal data may be transferred to third parties.

- If personal data transfer is mandatory for the Company to fulfill its legal obligations, personal data may be transferred to third parties.

- If personal data has been made public by the personal data owner, it may be transferred to third parties for the purpose of making it public.

- If personal data transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, personal data may be transferred to third parties.

- Provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Relevant Person, personal data may be transferred to third parties if it is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company.

9- Overseas Transfer

Our company transfers the personal data it processes through cookies to abroad only in case of the Explicit Consent of the Relevant Person. The personal data of the Relevant Persons may be transferred abroad without the explicit consent of our Company. In cases where the country or countries to which the personal data will be transferred (a) is one of the countries declared to have adequate protection by the Board, or (b) if it is not one of the countries announced by the Board, permission has been obtained from the Board by obtaining a written commitment from data controllers in the relevant foreign country providing adequate protection. Personal data may be transferred abroad without obtaining explicit consent if one or more of the following conditions are present:

  1. If there is a clear regulation in the legislation regarding the transfer of personal data, it can be transferred abroad.
  2. If it is necessary for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the personal data owner or someone else, and if the personal data owner is unable to express his consent due to actual impossibility or if his consent is not legally valid, it can be transferred abroad.
  3. If it is necessary to transfer the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or performance of a contract without the explicit consent of the Relevant Person, the personal data may be transferred abroad.
  4. If personal data transfer is mandatory for our company to fulfill its legal obligations, personal data may be transferred abroad.
  5. If the personal data is made public by the owner, it can be transferred abroad for a limited purpose.
  6. If personal data transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, personal data may be transferred abroad.
  7. Personal data may be transferred to third parties without the explicit consent of the Relevant Person, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Relevant Person are not harmed, if personal data transfer is necessary for the Company's legitimate interests.


Sensitive Personal Data: The Company may transfer it abroad by taking the Explicit Consent of the Relevant Person, by applying the administrative and technical measures and by complying with the special measures taken by the Board. In order for the Company to transfer Sensitive Personal Data abroad without obtaining the Explicit Consent of the Relevant Person, the country or countries to which the personal data will be transferred must be (a) one of the countries declared to have sufficient protection by the Board, (b) if it is not one of the countries announced by the Board, permission has to be obtained from the Board by obtaining a written recognizance providing adequate protection from the data controllers in the relevant foreign country and (c) one or more of the following conditions are required.

  1. Sensitive Personal Data Excluding Sexual and Health Life: The Company may process Sensitive Personal Data other than health and sexual life without obtaining the explicit consent of the data owner, if it is expressly stipulated in the legislation.
  2. Sensitive Personal Data Concerning Sexual and Health Life: For the purposes of protecting public health, providing preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and managing health services and their financing, they may be processed without the explicit consent of individuals or authorized institutions and organizations who are under the obligation of secrecy.

10-Method and Legal Reason for Personal Data Collection

Now Hair Time acts in accordance with the basic principles and the Law on this subject, as well as its approach to personal data processing in general, during the use of cookies. The method of data collection with cookie technology is explained in detail in this text.

11- About Your Rights as Data Owner and Application to Our Company

As a data owner, you can apply to our Company for the following matters:

-Learning whether personal data is processed,

- If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

-Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,

- To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred in the country or abroad,

- Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,

- Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data,

- Requesting notification of third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, in case of incomplete or incorrect processing of personal data, regarding their correction and/or deletion or destruction of personal data,

- Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

-To request the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to the unlawful processing of personal data.


Sie können Ihre Anfragen bezüglich dieser Rechte an uns senden, indem Sie das Dateneigentümer-Antragsformular unter ausfüllen . Wir werden unser Bestes tun, um Ihre Bewerbung so schnell wie möglich, spätestens jedoch innerhalb von dreißig Tagen, kostenlos abzuschließen, abhängig von der Art Ihrer Anfrage. Wenn für die Transaktion auch Kosten anfallen, kann eine Gebühr gemäß dem vom Personal Data Protection Board festgelegten Tarif erhoben werden.

Relevante Personen können ihre in Artikel 12 dieses Textes genannten Rechte ausüben, indem sie das Antragsformular unter der Adresse ausfüllen , in „nass unterschriebener und schriftlicher Form“ oder an eine registrierte E-Mail-Adresse senden -Mail-Adresse (REM) oder durch Senden einer sicheren elektronischen Signatur, mobilen Signatur oder E-Mail-Adresse im System unseres Unternehmens oder E-Mail-Adressmethoden, die in unserem System nicht vorhanden sind, oder durch Senden über eine dafür entwickelte Software oder Anwendung Zu Bewerbungszwecken oder durch persönliche Zustellung an die Adresse unseres Unternehmens oder durch einen Bevollmächtigten.

Die Postanschrift unseres Unternehmens und die Adresse unseres Hauptsitzes lautet Fevzi Çakmak Mahallesi, Meşe Çokmazı Sokak, No: 2, Kat:1, D:13, Pendik İstanbul.

Die registrierte E-Mail-Adresse (REM) unseres Unternehmens lautet

Die E-Mail-Adresse unseres Unternehmens lautet

Falls die relevante Person dieses Recht durch ihren Anwalt ausüben möchte, müssen die Dokumente, die ihre Identität belegen und den Antrag stützen, sofern vorhanden, im Anhang des Formulars zusammen mit einer Kopie der Vollmacht mit den besonderen Angaben eingereicht werden Autorität in dieser Hinsicht.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 17. März 2023

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